Accounting Staff

Waktu : -
Tempat : PT Yubi Technology
Surel : 
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Hi Everyone, I’m looking for ACCOUNTING STAFF for our company.
Location : Jakarta Utara, Kelapa Gading 
PT. Yubi Technology (IT Solution and Provider)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsibilities :
  1. Report all transactions and journals of finance, accounting, tax
  2. Financial reports (Profit/Loss, Balance Sheet, Cashflow)
  3. Budgeting
  4. Bank Reconciliation
  5. Create Invoices and Tax Invoices
  6. Make payments to vendors (cash/e-banking)
  7. Monitoring Accounts Receivable, Payable and Inventory
  8. Calculate, pay and reporting PPh 21, PPh 23, PPh 25, PPh 27, PPh Final and PPN
  9. Can join ASAP (As Soon As Possible) not to one month notis.
  1. At least 2 years working experience as Finance, Accounting and Tax
  2. Having Knowledge standard accounting policy and guideline
  3. Having experience in related of Financial report (B / S, P / L, Cash Flow) Cost Control and Cost Budgeting, AR/AP Control, update tax and accounting regulation, General Accounting, Reporting, Profit & Lost and GR
  4. Strong leadership, positive working attitude, good initiative and willing to learn
  5. Excellent problem solving and analytical skill, accurate in detail, able to work under pressure
  6. Familiar with Microsoft Office software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, internet, accounting software
  7. Fluent in English
  8. Willing to travel when required
  9. Reporting expert

Lamaran dapat dikirim via email : 
(Subject : Accounting Staff - Nama Lengkap)  
Subjek harus diikuti , No subjek = TIDAK DIPROSES
Thank You and Good Luck.



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