Call for Paper IJIMEAM

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Call for Paper

Dear Authors,
We invite you to publish your best articles in our journal International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM). The journal publishes research manuscripts dealing with problems of modern technology (power and process engineering, structural and machine design, production engineering mechanism and materials, etc.). It considers activities such as design, construction, operation, environmental protection, etc. in the field of mechanical engineering and other related branches. In addition, the journal also publishes papers in advanced materials related with advanced electronic materials, advanced energy materials, advanced engineering materials, advanced functional materials, advanced materials interfaces, and advanced optical materials.
The Journal has been accredited on Sinta 4th and registered with CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI), indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, ROAD, Garuda, and ESJI.
International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) is published on April, August, and December.

To submit the manuscript, please visit our journal:

Chief Editor
Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Darwin Sebayang
+62 878-7148-7384

Managing Editor
Dr. Sagir Alva
+62 857-7938-1297



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